Education and Research in Agriculture

The central goal of the Education and Research in Agriculture (ERA) project was to strengthen human and institutional capacity in agricultural teaching, research, training, and outreach in order to serve the needs of the Senegalese public and private sectors, including farmers at all levels. This support led to improvements in farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability and extended throughout agricultural value chains. The specific objectives of the project were to: 1) assist Senegalese AET institutions with understanding the U.S. land-grant university tri-partite mission of teaching, research and extension and to facilitate their development of a functionally similar model that is respectful and well-adapted to existing structures; 2) strengthen agriculture education and training; 3) strengthen applied research and outreach; and 4) support project management and policy making. This has ensured enhanced skills and improved capabilities in farm productivity and management as well as agribusiness and agro-entrepreneurship that led to increased innovation, competitiveness and higher incomes.
ERA was structured around three components.
Component 1: Strengthening Agricultural Education and Training
- AETR faculty are applying best pedagogic practices
- AETR faculty and students have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to meet the needs of Senegal’s agricultural sector
- AETR institutions are managed as centers of excellence
Component 2: Strengthening Applied Research and Outreach
- Innovative research benefits public and private stakeholders
- Improved outreach and technical support
Component 3: Strengthening Project Management and Policy Support
- Management and administration systems of targeted AETR partners strengthened
- Institutions are working together to influence policy decisions affecting the agriculture sector